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The contents of this website have been prepared with utmost accuracy and aims to provide initial information in the related subjects.
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All content information provided on this website is informational purposes only and as such should not be construed as professional advice. Visitors shall seek independent professional advice prior to any conclusions or acting.
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Some content on this website contains information on legal topics. However, there is no assurance that any information touching on legal matters is true, correct, or precise. The legal information provided on this website is of a general nature and does not substitute for legal advice. Visitors shall seek independent legal advice prior to any conclusions or acting.
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Some content on this website contains information on financial topics. However, there is no assurance that any information touching on financial matters is true, correct, or precise. The financial information provided on this website is of a general nature and does not substitute for financial advice. Visitors shall seek independent financial advice prior to any conclusions or acting.
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Some content on this website contains information on tax topics. However, there is no assurance that any information touching on tax matters is true, correct, or precise. The tax information provided on this website is of a general nature and does not substitute for tax advice. Visitors shall seek independent tax advice prior to any conclusions or acting.
Client to Seek Professional Advice in His/Her Country of Residence
Shanda Consult is not a professional advisor registered in or regulated by the authorities of the country of residence of clients outside of Cyprus.
Thus, Shanda Consult does not provide professional services, legal services, financial consultancy or tax advisory services as per the legislation of the country of residence of a client.
Therefore, prior to any engagement of Shanda Consult for any services related to legal, finacial or tax related issues, Shanda Consult strongly recommends to seek advice from a professional, lawyer, financial consultant or tax advisor of client’s choice in the country of residence of the client, regarding possible local effects of cross-border business activities and/or structures in the country of the client’s country of residence.